Join Saturday Night Live Art Shows!

Our Mission:

To Brighten Social Media Feeds Around the Globe with Art
For Artists to Unite and Promote Connection through art…
To Be the Light & Shine when the World Needs Us Most!


Go live on Facebook (for your followers) in your time zone for a couple minutes sometime between 6-9pm–or share a pre-recorded video or photo during that time. (Note this isn’t like a Zoom meeting—this is on your time schedule). You are having an art show for your followers and we are cheering for you!

Be sure to:
1. Say you are joining Saturday Night Live Art Shows.
2. Share a piece of your art.
3. Follow us and use the hashtag #snlartshows and make sure your post is public to be featured on our Facebook page: 

Bonus Tips:
1. We recommend taking a still photo of you with your art each week that you participate for additional promotion options such as stories, collages, Instagram posts etc…
2. Follow and comment on the videos of other artists doing this and share some of their videos that are your favorites with your followers! Our collectors may be your future collectors and yours may be ours!
3. Before you share your live video on Facebook, hit save so it goes into your camera roll and you can also share to Instagram. Tag us on Instagram: @snlartshows. If you miss the option to save your live video, you can download it with the app Friendly although the file will be smaller.

Some artists tell their followers ahead of time when they will be on…for others it’s a surprise…your call…this is your show–HAVE FUN!! All languages and participants from other countries welcome!

Tell your artist friends!

Join one time, occasionally or every week! If you don’t see any comments or shares when you join Saturday Night Live Art Shows–

Contact one of the hosts so we can look for your post:

Brooke Harker:
Nichole McDaniel:
Sheryl Benjy:
Joan Marie at

Our version of “host” means we are basically having an art party from our homes…and inviting you to party with us…then we cheer for you!

We also make collaborative videos with artists around the world!  

Get Creative Updates:

New paintings, exhibits & artistic adventures!

Fill out my online form.